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60 min classic, anti-cellulite or anti-stress massage

· Massage and Spa
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Your soul has longed for at least an hour to be yours. A time when you will forget about everything and everyone, an hour in which the important one will be only you because you deserve it. And if at least once a month you do not allow yourself the pleasure of a massage, you will never understand what it really means to have a complete relaxation - on your body and your mind.

The voucher includes:

60 min. Massage optional by:
Classical, anti-cellulite or anti-stress;
Herbal and essential natural oils are selected individually according to the client's needs.

Advance booking is required by website: body to body massage in jaipur

Classic European massage has a relaxing effect on the body, tones the body, relieves it from fatigue, acts on the psyche, improving the function of the nervous system. Positive results of the classic type of massage are also expressed in the movement of blood and lymph, increase of immunity, deletion of tension and anxiety.

Anti-stress massage relieves the feeling of fatigue, raises the spirit and restores good mood. Special classic back and foot massage techniques are applied. Particularly suitable for people working in high-stress environments.

What Is Antistress Massage?

This is a combination of elements derived from various techniques of body manipulation: shiatsu, bioenergy, Chinese massage as well as new practices such as Body to Body massage. This is the meeting point between East and West, between ancient and modern techniques. Anti-stress massage is defined by experts as a way to get rid of the "internal diseases" hidden in each of us by regenerating the cells, tissues and organs of our body. Its extraordinary effectiveness is associated with stimulation of venous and lymphatic circulation, nerve regeneration, muscle relaxation and elastic joints.

Anti-cellulite massage involves stimulation of bio-energy zones, combined with techniques of lymphatic drainage massage to stimulate lymph and blood circulation. In this way, fat burning and lymphatic transport are assisted. Massages use special oils that break down fats and improve microcirculation.